"Thank you for a wonderful experience. It was challenging in many ways: physically, but also emotionally. This retreat offered so much more than just yoga. You are lovely people and we are glad to have met you and been your students."
Tina & Dana from UK
Christmas retreat
„Ganz herzlichen Dank für die wunderbare Entschleunigung! Die bemerkenswerte Gruppenharmonie und -dynamik kam nicht zuletzt dadurch zustande, dass ihr beide so liebenswert und dedicated und herzlich seid. Ich komm wieder, das ist sicher. Mil besos & abrazos!"
Rainer from Germany
Yoga & Sound retreat
“Thank you for opening my heart, inspiring my soul to write and allow me to let go. Thank you for having the courage and bravery for opening your heart to us all, we have all immensely benefited from your generosity."
Scott from UK
Yoga & Sound retreat
“I am so happy and deeply grateful for the wonderful and transformational experience that you have offered to us. I feel blessed for this precious step we made together and I hope that the positive vibration of this amazing harmony - thanks to you - will continue to resonate and feed our hearts."
Marie Elena from Italy
Yoga & Sound retreat
"Ahhh, you both carry this wonderful love and energy in you - thank you that you spread it. ...vielen Dank für die heilsamen, wunderschönen Tage mit Euch und bis bald!“
Annette from Germany
Yoga & Sound retreat
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